Every things is exactly and not at all as we expected after a year on the air.
1 year anniversary
Thank you for making IP Podcast ever-growing
At the start of this year of podcasting (technically more than a year and a ½ of recording, but “live to you” one year!).. we could not have imagined how things would unfold. You all made things even better than we ever could have expected!
I am not sure I even would have believed we would continue like this or this long. And, try as I may to quit.. this podcast, is a living breathing being, now, so it’s not even a choice about stopping or continuing.. as it decides where we go each and every day..
THANK YOU FOR BEING OUT THERE! YOU all have made Imperfect Parenting Podcast what it is, today. And, as we grow, we hope to continue to help you do the same!
The 1st year of Podcasting
As we move forward, we take a moment to look back. We started with the idea to create more mutual empathy, compassion and understanding between each other, cultures and our family members. We couldn’t know that it would evolve into so much more.. and that it would not only grow us, but as well you, our guests and our children. You have all shared so much, along with us. And, through the dark days and the light.. you have been there with us and we are grateful for your friendship, support, feedback and just being out there listening.
The conscious path
Being on a conscious path, whether just at the start, or deeply emerged, “knowing” and coming slowly into more and more “awareness”, is a painful place to live, at times. Because, we see and feel more of our faults and mis-steps.
What I know from the core of my being is that my passion for IP and you..hasn’t waivered.. OK, well, at least, not for too long.. Of course there are many dark days, with all the lack o stability.. Yet, because, so many of you show up with your beautifully imperfect parenting reality and.. so willingly open your hearts and stories for everyone to learn and grow from. And, trust all of us with your truth. And, in so doing, release other parents from the chains of “guilt”, “stress” and “anger” toward themselves. We are SO HARD ON OURSELVES.. every day..
Growing community through “do have”
This season, tell another parent, your partner, your kids.. that you “see them”.. in their goodness.. their efforts and intentions.. Let’s take a moment to focus on what we “DO HAVE” and deepen our attraction and attracting of “MORE OF WHAT WE NEED”. As we approach this new year I wish for you that you attract that which you hope and dream of. Let us get un-stuck.. moving out of any patterns we have that are holding you back from the joy you deserve.
You all are such gifts. We are gifts, to one another. Let’s spend not more energy on each other than at the stores, this year. Let it be in balance. And, let us keep perspective when it is needed most.
None of us are perfect. So, let this not be another trap to make you feel bad in reaction whatever is happening in the moment. That extra energy will come back around. You are worth it and so are they.
A gift to you, this season: Chai & Chat
We want to thank you for your reader/listenership! If you do a review and screen shot, before our next podcast in a week, we will gift you with a BONUS coaching week!
As a gift this season, I want to come back to “Chai and a Chat” for some mini coaching sessions to get us all through the holiday season.
Join our Instagram at ‘IP_Parenting” and click the link in our profile and jump into Chai and Chat mini sessions and see if it’s interesting for you. If it is, then, you will be invited to do a review and an episode share and I will gift you mom coaching to move you into your next phase! Seriously.. FREE:)..
Have a beautifully imperfect day and holiday season.