Swedish Midsommer Traditions and guiding our summer where we hope to go

Ariel and Mats imperfect Parenting Podcast, Midsommer / Sweden

It’s the true start of summer, the longest days and the hopes of summer and where we might go with it. We look at Midsummer traditions and guiding our own summers in the direction we intend.

What are your intentions for family life and holidays?

Every year, it’s the same, holidays come around and life just gets a bit mad. Yet, more time with our kids who are out of school, perhaps some time on the road or air and let’s face it, a whole lot of time on the move and in motion. How do we stop and create our summer before all goes wild and exhausts us before it even starts?

Set intentions for summer and check in each day

I sent intentions for each day. And, when bigger things happening, like holidays, moves and more, it’s important to focus in on what you are working with. The more we are clear about what we need in the whole of us for times ahead, the more easily we can manifest/create exactly that. Stop the moaning and get clear! Have fun with it and write it where it doesn’t get lost:).

Midsommer in Sweden and what it means, really

If you listen to the podcast, and read this link, then, you will know exactly what I am talking about, here. It’s the Friday around Solstice/Midsummer/Midsommer that everyone takes off and nearly everything is closed and people generally go out to their summer cabins/homes. It’s not always as warm as I remember it being in Northern Cal when I would go to celebrations. However, in all honesty, often the beach celebrations were as cold as Sweden can sometimes be. Yet, the joy of kicking off the summer season out in the countryside (or if in the city, at So….or somewhere near home), is pretty incredible. It’s a bit like flashing back in time.

Collecting greens and flowers in baskets as walking to the pole raising area. Putting in on the pole and raising it as a group. Fairly amazing in my book. Mats isn’t a fan of the 3 legged race and so on, yet it flashes me back to my childhood, so makes me smile. Add a raffle, bolar and bad coffee and cold wind and a screaming toddler and we are good to go!

Time for your parent dreams!

Today, collect your own dreams and creative bits and encourage your kids and family to do the same! Best way to keep moving forward with things is to join in the current, instead of fighting it. Do things together. Listen to what your kids imagine and dream of.. get them rolling on something, and see how things unfold. When they are grooving on something, that is your chance to jump into your own things..even if only for some minutes each day/week, its so worth it!

And, if you want to take these Midsummer greens and flowers and grow them more, then come join our Facebook group and keep the conversation going with like minded people. And, soon we will grow those ideas more, even if you aren’t sure if they are the right ones, we can play and explore and meet on the Facebook Live in next weeks!

Have a Midsummery nice week! Enjoy Midsommer/Midsummer Friday and the weekend.

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