Daniela Mendoza – Following your own path and purpose within the madness of motherhood

This is the Daniela that we met at Hato Gard

Wake up to your own heart’s desire!

Daniela Mendoza is from Mexico, now 4 years in relationship with Simon her fiance of Sweden, visions her dreams of keeping self and creative projects and purpose, within partnership and motherhood. She is on the way to a new reality and just last year when we met her, the ideas and clarity were strong as she showed us the way back to our dreams in this podcast, on location at Hato Gard, Sweden (Native American Western Ranch, just over an hour north of Stockholm).

Swedish Western culture, awaits

This Western, down to Earth culture where we found Daniela, was like stepping back into time, in a place full of incredible spirit, horses, people with connection to the Native American culture and a kind of living style that leaves the taste of dust across your smile and sweetness of home baked creations on your plate. I highly recommend checking this place out, an as well, listening to Lisa Wik Granberg from our 1st conversation, which in fact was recorded, just before this one!

Why the delay in episode release?

Why did I wait to release this episode? It was waiting for summer, my own readiness to let go into this topic and to see the guiding light back to purpose through the warm winds of time. Now, Something shifts, as I move Imperfect Parenting into deeper purpose, for you, for me and for our community around the world.

Like a painting, Daniela Mendoza

Swedish vs Mexican family culture

Swedish vs. Mexican culture. As Daniela is studying Swedish culture quite closely, she has learned that unlike the family oriented culture that she has grown up in, Sweden, in fact, nurtures “the individual” as an entity instead. I myself have struggled the last 6 years with figuring out all the differences with loyalty, interaction, communication and more. After this conversation, a light bulb finally went off and I realized I would stop fighting against the current!

Growing up and now, predictions of parenthood

Daniela speaks of how growing up she always wanted 10 children and now worries for the future of the planet. She now might have a few less, and with them, change the world for the better while continuing forward with her own dreams and book she is writing.

Beauty and strength

Reminder of our own strength and conviction

She has a fierce confidence you feel in the photos of her dancing. From traditional dance of her own country and more.. she shows true connection to self as a woman and a person of purpose on the planet. In her eyes, we are all reminded of the strength that dwells within us and the ideas that may have perhaps gotten buried beneath piles of laundry and endless family tasks.

My greatest dream and hope for IP and all Parents

From this episode, and last 5 weeks of coaching work, in my own life, along with meditation and ploughing through my past as we ready for a hard move away from family and community we love and hold dear, a deeper purpose has grown.

My intention for all of us/you is that we will grow things. We join together, 1st in a Facebook group where I will do some live coaching for parents interested in growing their dreams. At least 2 or 3 times, this year, it will be my gift to you.

Thank you, Daniela for jump starting creativity and remembering of dreams!

Mindfulness Mama (dad)

What dream or creative project have you left behind, been trying to get to?

Daniela Mendoza Mexico, Sweden and now Imperfect Parenting Podcast.

Write us at info@imperfectparenting.net or join our Facebook group and join in the conversation!

Remember Lisa, last year, at the start of our journey? She is one of the owner’s of the ranch where we meet Daniela, this episode!

Have a creatively Imperfect Day.

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