Glitch day

I realize, in all my efforts to accept the imperfect realities of daily life, I am still disappointed when the madness of life meets tech glitches and I massively humbled.

Today.. or rather, this week, was one of THOSE weeks. And, I was not alone in this. Cathy Heller was as well dealing with blips and “oh no!” Moments. I thought Mercury Retrograde wasn’t starting until the 20th! Uh!

So, for the past 4 days, I was under the impression that I had clicked the “ public button on Marla Stahl’s blog connect to that incredibly inspiring podcast, which by the way, showed all contest info for winning one of her books! ( Yes, this means its worth going back and checking!). So, annoying when things don’t exactly happen as you hope.

Yet, with our air conditioners in bedrooms broken for a week and unbelievable heat under our room with afternoon sun beating on windows making us beg for the winter we waited too long to end.. I was sleepless and grumpy. So, was I really surprised? A little.

But, that is humanity.

The glitches have also brought me goodness like an amazing coaching circle which if not for a glitch in Cathy’s website, I would never have joined! I guess we just need to look for the light.

Today, I revel in the accomplishment of getting through some of the harder “old boxes”. You know the ones.. they have moved with you more than once, random things inside, and somehow seems they were breeding when you weren’t looking!?!! These are the boxes we avoid, but know at some point they need to be dealt with.

The mix of things dying to be scrap booked, or recipes you pulled, but never made it to kitchen. Maybe some random gift card, now expired, or even hair clips you used to love that somehow dropped into the box.

I am once again, up too late, fan blowing, daughter waking multiple times screaming ( been this way for a week!:) and my heart going through the roof every time it happens. Illness? Annoying fan? Hot? Woken up by my thoughts?

At last, I have both hands free so I can more comfortably write you all. ( Yep, most of this l, and many posts and really nearly this whole site was created with one hand on my smart phone! Even some small pieces of podcasts. Crazy mom reality with a cuddly girl who feels to many changes around to want to go back to her bed.) I just wanted to out some words out there. Trying something new.

Sometimes, the silence here, is deafening.

Hope your week starts well and end well.

Many finish school this week? Is that true? Or, later?

I think I will do a live event, soon.. in person and in our Facebook Group:). Slowly, but surely:).

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