Ariel, here.
A year ago I was writing and Imperfect Parenting came as a title. That piece lies quietly in my computer, but will see the light of day, eventually. I was having a rare writing break while my 1 year old was terrorizing the cat (with love) or some such when it all came to light. For me it was a very real and necessary topic where I could vent about the stress of others expectations, questions and pushing about various things. It got to be so much pressure that I started to skip the playground to avoid all the crossing core values. Yet, at the same time, it fascinated me!
In truth, Imperfect parenting started long, long ago, starting when I was quite small and started journaling. I started to take notes about things that seemed important for life, good partnership and family. I was sure this would ensure a delightfully perfect life after meeting the “right partner”. I had noooo idea!
Life has been far from perfect, yet I continued to strive toward it, torturing myself along the way:). And, over and over I see I am not alone in this.
So, when my husband, Mats, lost his 25 year job, unexpectedly, we jumped into building our creative partnership through building websites, social media and podcasting on tooics of passion. We knew we had to use this time to create during this rare gap time. Afterall, it was summer in Europe so no matter how many head hinters he met witg or jobs he applied for.. we knew..getting hired would be highly unlikely until Autumn when everything began to normalize, again.
So, here we are.. making an imperfect start.. supporting each other’s passion for the next while and hoping to create a firm foundation for when we are working more.
It’s all evolving now.. as we start to interview, write, talk it out and let go of perfection..
More to come.