Imperfect Parenting begins

mperfect Parenting Podcast: Mats, Ella and Ariel Andersson in Wishing Meadow, Prague on a sunny day. Parents laying stomach down side by side and 2 year old daughter sitting on mom's back; all smiling in the grass between flowers.
Imperfect Parenting Podcast: Mats, Ella and Ariel Andersson in Wishing Meadow, Prague

Ariel, here.

A year ago I was writing and Imperfect Parenting came as a title. That piece lies quietly in my computer, but will see the light of day, eventually.  I was having a rare writing break while my 1 year old was terrorizing the cat (with love) or some such when it all came to light. For me it was a very real and necessary topic where I could vent about the stress of others expectations, questions and pushing about various things.  It got to be so much pressure that I started to skip the playground to avoid all the crossing core values.  Yet, at the same time, it fascinated me! Continue reading “Imperfect Parenting begins”