Speaking with Angela brought so many thoughts to the surface.

What do we want to teach our children?
Can we learn together?
The reality of the creative process and having a little grace around your unique path and the time it takes, sometimes.
Be brave.
Listen to your body, even when life appears to be exactly what you’ve always wanted.
Follow heart and spirit.
Trust the right creative partners and collaborators will show up in the right moment.
Let go of toxic relationships.
And, those of us with small kids.. hope for time, comes soon!
There is so much more to say.
Perhaps next week when Part 2 comes out, I will let it all flow, even more.
Remember, to follow your dreams. Show up for yourself. And, surround yourself with what you need the most to lift you up.
Have a beautifully Imperfect Creative day.
Don’t forget to jump onto Instagram, comment with your “aha or spark” from the podcast and get in a drawing for this lovely book, “Little Fish, Big Question”!
Last day to get into the drawing for this great book is 12/29/20 before midnight PST!;)
Have a swimmingly Imperfect Day.