Do we lift other parents up? Or, take them down?

Let us each other up, instead of smash them down. What are we showing our kids?

Jealousy, boredom and value differences all effect our words, thoughts and judgements?

This is not a new topic. This is the whole reason I started this podcast in the 1st place. But, are we having any success with this goal? Is the podcast helping any of you, us to feel better, validated, “seen”? Are things getting better out there?

How often to we see it? And, maybe even do it? Talk crap about others? Come on, it happens. In my case usually with my husband when someone has upset me with some nasty and judgy comments.

I am not immune. I have said things, not usually directly to people. Yet, I do feel this energy comes through to the other people. This energy floats in the air and creates tension.

Direct hit!

Why does anyone think it is fine to just make a comment about someone else’s parenting or decisions to them? Or, rather, if no one asks, do you feel you have a right to say something to someone about what they are doing with their child?

I admit, it is tempting, at times. Yet, ultimately, it’s not our business! If someone asks our opinion, ok. Yet, I will still caution people to work from heart and kindness.

Why are people so brutal? Are our own decisions threatened? Therefore, we have to question another parent to justify our own movements in life?

Is it out of defensiveness? Insecurity? Or, flat out strong knee jerk reaction that others are different from our “personal culture”?

How does “personal culture” challenge us?

Culture, is not just about our political, religious or national culture.. it is about who we are, who we have become and..the culture we are creating that is our own world and sphere of reality.

Personal culture is much trickier, as we can feel a part of a larger culture, yet ultimately will have our own special cocktail of beliefs that guide, direct, guilt and lift us up. Sometimes, we have a hard time finding like minded people who allow our beliefs and choices to bloom. Yet, ultimately, we must find “our people” – Community in order to gain and not just lose energy, each day.

We must find/create our community

Who are your people? Can you find them? Are they nearby? Do we need to call those who are far, more often? What will do the trick? Feeling community and support, energetically, emotionally and more, is essential to good feeling through the harder parenting days (or rather our days on the planet as people). It’s not always possible to find what we need. In this case, maybe we have to create it for selves and others. Make that which we crave, in whatever way that we can.

“Give the nod”

Sometimes, all was can do, is open awareness and do small bits of kindness to lift each other up. Like Lisa Wik Granberg talks about in our 2018 episode in Sweden, let’s take the time to give moms and dads the “little nod” of encouragement, when they are managing hard moments, or we can see they need it. Take the time. No matter what others do for you. It makes the difference, and it will come back to you in the moment you need it most.

Imperfections creating peace

We are not here to be perfect. You or us. We make mistakes, fall, fuck up, get tired and say nasty things, yell, don’t speak up, disappear, over-do things, become martyrs, cry, do something/or not with kids that doesn’t live up to our own standards, or whatever. It happens. It’s human, its fine. AND, let’s see what we can do inside that beautiful imperfection that we all carry within us.. to make the world, the “parenting world” a better place..

Let us create peace through our imperfection, share stories that matter, the hard ones, nod to others, when it’s needed, encourage, rather than tear down and exhale instead of lash out. Let us all take note of our own personal culture, others and exhale into creating rainbows from the dark clouds that come.

Mindfulness moment:

At the start of each day.. “Who has helped to raise us up?”

Set the intention for each day, or when we remember.. “Do that for someone else.”

Question of the day:

How how you been compassionate with yourself or others, today?

A Few of our favorite things:

Today, instead of a favorite thing, we suggest, finding one “unfavorite thing” with your kids and letting it go, donating it and making space for spring energy to flow.

*This week is dedicated to my dearest daughter who will turn 3 on Monday, who loves rainbows, laughter and all our imperfections. We wish you a rainbow filled, light and joyous week.

Below, is Lisa who we mention in the podcast who inspired this podcast, way back when. Moms need to support other moms! Yes, Lisa, we agree.

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